Beauty Tips Nails Care

Common Nail Problems & How to Solve Them: Chipping, Peeling, & More

Nail problems are a common issue many people face, affecting not only the appearance of their hands but also their overall confidence. From chipping and peeling to discoloration and brittleness, there are numerous nail issues that can arise. Fortunately, most of these problems have solutions that can restore your nails to their healthy state. In this guide, we’ll explore the most common nail problems, their causes, and practical tips to solve them.

Chipping Nails


Chipping nails are a frequent complaint and can be caused by several factors including:

  • Frequent exposure to water
  • Using nails as tools
  • Incorrect filing techniques
  • Harsh nail products


Tom Bachik, Celebrity Manicurist: “To prevent chipping, cap the edges of your nails with polish when you paint them. This means running a thin layer of polish over the edge of the nail to seal it.” (Source: Tom Bachik Instagram: @tombachik)

  1. Use a Good Base and Top Coat: Start with a strong base coat to give your polish something to adhere to and finish with a top coat to seal everything in.
  2. File Correctly: Always file in one direction to avoid creating tiny splits in the nail that can lead to chips.
  3. Moisturize: Keeping your nails and cuticles moisturized can help prevent them from becoming brittle and chipping.

I used to struggle with my nail polish chipping within days of application. It wasn’t until I started capping my nails with polish as Tom Bachik suggests that I noticed a significant improvement. My manicures now last much longer, and my nails look healthier.

Peeling Nails


Peeling nails can result from various issues including:

  • Overexposure to water
  • Using harsh chemicals
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Using acetone-based nail polish removers


Jin Soon Choi, Celebrity Manicurist & Founder of JINsoon Nail Lacquer: “Peeling nails can be caused by dryness, overexposure to water, or using harsh nail products. Use a strengthening base coat, avoid acetone-based removers, and moisturize regularly.” (Source: JINsoon website)

  1. Limit Water Exposure: Wear gloves when doing dishes or cleaning to protect your nails from water damage.
  2. Use Gentle Products: Switch to non-acetone nail polish removers and avoid harsh chemicals.
  3. Strengthen and Moisturize: Use a nail strengthener and moisturize your nails and cuticles daily.

During a particularly stressful period, I noticed my nails peeling more than usual. Switching to a gentler nail polish remover and incorporating a daily cuticle oil made a world of difference. My nails grew stronger and the peeling significantly reduced.

Brittle Nails


Brittle nails can break or split easily and are often caused by:

  • Dehydration
  • Overuse of nail polish
  • Harsh environmental conditions


Deborah Lippmann, Celebrity Manicurist & Founder of Deborah Lippmann Nail Care: “Brittle nails often signify dehydration. Moisturize cuticles daily with oil and wear gloves when doing chores to protect your nails from harsh chemicals.” (Source: Deborah Lippmann website)

  1. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water and use a cuticle oil regularly.
  2. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Minimize exposure to cleaning agents and other harsh chemicals.
  3. Use a Nail Hardener: Look for products specifically designed to strengthen brittle nails.

I found that drinking more water and regularly using a hydrating hand cream helped my brittle nails regain their strength. Simple changes in my routine made a noticeable difference in a few weeks.

Yellow Nails


Yellow nails can be a cosmetic issue or a sign of a more serious condition such as fungal infections.

  • Smoking
  • Nail polish stains
  • Fungal infections


Marian Newman, Nail Artist & Author: “Yellow nails can be caused by smoking, nail polish stains, or fungal infections. To prevent staining, always use a base coat. If you suspect a fungal infection, see a doctor.” (Source: Marian Newman Instagram: @mariannewman)

  1. Use a Base Coat: Always apply a base coat to protect your nails from staining.
  2. Quit Smoking: If you smoke, quitting can improve the appearance of your nails.
  3. Seek Medical Advice: If yellowing persists, consult a doctor to rule out fungal infections.

A few years ago, I noticed my nails turning yellow from constant nail polish use. Using a good base coat and giving my nails a break from polish helped them return to their natural color.



Hangnails are small pieces of skin that tear away from the cuticles and can be caused by:

  • Dry skin
  • Biting nails or cuticles
  • Improper cuticle care


Miss Pop, Nail Artist & OPI Creative Director: “If you’re prone to hangnails, keep your cuticles moisturized and avoid picking at them. You can also try a cuticle remover to soften and remove excess cuticles.” (Source: Miss Pop Instagram: @misspopnails)

  1. Keep Cuticles Moisturized: Use cuticle oil or cream daily.
  2. Avoid Biting: Keep nails trimmed and smooth to avoid the temptation to bite.
  3. Proper Cuticle Care: Use a cuticle remover to gently remove excess cuticles without cutting them.

I used to get painful hangnails frequently until I started using cuticle oil daily. It made a huge difference in keeping my cuticles healthy and preventing hangnails.

Ridged Nails


Ridges on nails can be vertical or horizontal. Vertical ridges are often harmless and associated with aging, while horizontal ridges might indicate underlying health issues.


Dr. Dana Stern, Dermatologist & Nail Specialist: “Vertical ridges on your nails are usually a sign of aging, but horizontal ridges can be a sign of an underlying health condition. If you’re concerned, see a dermatologist.” (Source: Dr. Dana Stern website)

  1. Moisturize and Buff: Gently buff nails to smooth ridges and keep them moisturized.
  2. Healthy Diet: Ensure a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  3. Consult a Professional: See a dermatologist if horizontal ridges appear suddenly or are accompanied by other symptoms.

I noticed vertical ridges developing on my nails as I got older. Regular buffing and moisturizing helped to keep them smooth and less noticeable.

Nail Fungus


Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, can cause nails to become thick, yellow, and brittle. It’s often caused by:

  • Moist environments
  • Poor nail hygiene
  • Damaged nails


Gökhan Vayni, Hair Transplant Specialist: “For those with very fine or thinning hair, a brush with extra soft bristles, like those made from goat hair, can be beneficial. They are gentle on the scalp and help to prevent further hair loss.” (Source: Dr. Gökhan Vayni Hair Clinic website)

  1. Keep Nails Dry: Dry your feet and hands thoroughly after washing.
  2. Use Antifungal Treatments: Over-the-counter antifungal creams and treatments can be effective.
  3. Consult a Doctor: For persistent or severe cases, see a healthcare provider for prescription treatments.

A close friend dealt with nail fungus after a trip to the gym’s locker room. Consistent use of antifungal cream and keeping her feet dry helped clear up the infection.


Nail problems can be frustrating, but with the right care and attention, most issues can be resolved or significantly improved. By understanding the causes and implementing the solutions provided by experts, you can maintain healthy, beautiful nails.

Regular maintenance and proper care are key to preventing nail problems and keeping your nails in top condition. With these tips and techniques, you’ll be well on your way to having strong, healthy nails that you can be proud of.

Nyla Rose

Nyla Rose is a seasoned hairstylist with over a decade of experience in the beauty and fashion industry. Known for her trendsetting looks and insightful style tips, Nyla has built a reputation for transforming her clients' hair and boosting their confidence. Her blog is a go-to resource for beauty enthusiasts seeking practical advice and inspiration. With a strong commitment to transparency and integrity, Nyla shares honest product reviews and expert recommendations, ensuring her audience receives reliable information. Featured in renowned magazines like Glamour and Vogue Beauty, she is recognized as an authoritative voice in the beauty community. Nyla's philosophy revolves around empowering individuals to embrace their unique beauty through achievable routines.

Follow her for the latest in hair care and styling trends. - Linkedin

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